Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Fat Flush

Toxins & Chemical exposure is growing fast, and can be found everywhere, even inside your body at the very moment…

…And it maks it nearly impossible to lose fat.
Plastics * Cookware * Obesity Additives * Toxic Water * Prescription Drugs * Processed Foods
And the list goes on and on.
These dangerous compounds and more like insecticides, PCB’s, heavy metals, benzene, dioxin, phthalates, pesticides, DDT metabolites, flame retardants, styrene, xylene and dichlorobenzene…all have been routinely found in the stool, urine and blood of average people all around the globe just like YOU.
Even newborn infants, not yet exposed to the outside world, are in danger. (No Bueno!)
In 2005, the American Red Cross took samples of fetal cord blood from 10 newborns and found a shocking 287 chemicals inside the samples, which included dioxins, phthalates, pesticides, Teflon byproducts, flame retardants and many others.
And that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. A study published in the journal Neurotoxicology took samples of the first bowel movement of 426 infants.
- 84% contained mercury
- 27% contained lead
- 27% percent had DDT, a pesticide that was banned in the US for the last 25+ years
There’s no escaping this toxic burden.
It’s ALL inside your body right now and it’s harming your cells, causing severe inflammation, clogging up your liver, stopping your body from getting rid of unwanted belly fat – and it’s aging your body at an accelerated rate.
Fortunately, there are few simple “tweaks” you can make to your diet, starting today, that can help your body eliminate this toxic burden and get your fat loss moving again, while helping you look and feel younger.
All you have to do is add the 4 foods below into your nutrition plan and you can put an END to the chemical burden that’s inside your body at this very moment.
These 4 foods will help you purify your body of chemical build-up, reduce chronic inflammation, cleanse your liver of fat storing toxins and flush away your “trapped” fat – all in 7 days or LESS.

4 Food That FLUSH Away Your “Trapped” Fat
- FOOD #1 =>> Will Clean Your Fat Burning Filter
- FOOD #2 =>> Purges Toxins From Your Blood
- FOOD #3 =>> Destroys Fat Storing Estrogen
- FOOD #4 =>> Stop Inflammation & Recover Faster

FOOD #1: Turmeric (clean your fat burning filter)
Turmeric is now being touted in the innovative medical community as the “fountain of youth” super spice.

Used predominantly in Indian cuisine, the root of this spice is used for dozens of health benefits, including acting as a powerful, all-natural anti-inflammatory agent.
FOOD #2: Lemon Juice (purge toxins from your blood)
The all-natural alkalizing effect of fresh squeezed juice, from organic lemons, has a very powerful detoxifying effect that can purge toxins from the blood and help assist in removing harmful compounds from your body.
Almost everybody has been misled to believe lemons are acidic, but inside your body lemons are an incredibly alkaline food that can help balance your body’s pH, which means better health and higher energy levels.
FOOD #3: Cruciferous Vegetables (destroy fat storing estrogen)
Cruciferous vegetables contain a naturally occurring ingredient called 3,3′-Diindolylmethane or DIM for short. DIM is strongly anti-estrogenic, so it helps block xenoestrogens (sometimes called obsesogens)…
…Otherwise known as BAD estrogen that accumulates inside your body from constant exposure to environmental toxins.
This hormone is the reason why women are storing more and more belly fat in today’s day and age – and it’s also responsible for chronically low testosterone levels in men. This causes all kinds of nasty side effects like facial hair in women and “man boobs” in men. Not to mention it makes it VERY difficult to lose weight.
Obvious choices to add to your daily nutrition plan are broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and cabbage. Some other, lesser-known, super veggies include swiss chard, arugula, collard greens, bokchoy, kale, and watercress.

FOOD #4: Tart Cherries (recover FASTER and stop inflammation)
Over 111 million prescriptions are issued yearly for anti-inflammatory drugs. These meds have been shown to wreak havoc on your digestive system, while causing damage your heart, your liver, and your kidneys.
But the anthocyanins and phenols found in tart cherries have been shown to provide STRONGER protection against muscle injury and damage than these dangerous drugs. In other words, this tiny fruit has been proven BETTER than things like Ibuprofen for reducing inflammation and muscle soreness.
In fact, over 74 published studies indicate tart cherries deliver a high level of protection against cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and can even fight against Alzheimer’s. Many of them also validate tart cherries and tart cherry beverages speed up recovery time from exercise and reduce inflammatory markers significantly.
But there’s MORE...tart cherries also have one of the highest anti-oxidant scores of all fruits and they score amazingly low on the glycemic index (~20). So they’re one the best fruits to eat for fat loss.
Over the past few years, we’ve developed a unique method to help men and women overcome the toxic burden that’s STOPPING their fat loss called the 7 Day Xtreme Fat Flush.
This is a proven blueprint that combines the 4 specific foods above with several other secret foods and tricks to help your body naturally “let go” of your trapped fat cells. And it takes ONLY 7 short days.
And right now my good friends, Shaun Hadsall and Dan Long, are giving this brand new guide away for FREE on the very next page for anybody who picks up a copy of the brand new 2014Xtreme Fat Loss Diet during their special New Year’s Release Party:

==>7 Day Xtreme Fat Flush *FREE* (Flush away your “trapped’ fat cells)

You’ll also discover how you can use Shaun and Dan’sproven 25 Day Xtreme Fat Loss Blueprint toexperience 25 days of your FASTEST fat loss ever. It’s all laid out for you step-by-step on the next Web:

Your 3 Step Protocol to Burn Off “Stubborn” Fat From Your Worst Trouble Spots

Picture the WORST, fattest, trouble spot on your body at this very moment.

Many times if you physically touch these areas, you’ll probably notice that it’s most likely ICE cold. That’s because “stubborn” fat is different than normal fat.

It LACKS blood flow and science now tells us that when you increase blood flow you can extract and burn more fat from your problem areas.

In fact, the latest research and studies that I’ve come across also indicate that blood flow and lipolysis (burning of fat) are higher in pockets of fat that are adjacent to the contracting muscle. (Stallknecht, 2007).

This means if you train your trouble spot areas the rightway, at the right time – the fat on the outside of that area will be "burned off" first, which means you can legitimately burn off stubborn fat from your WORST problem areas.

This 3-step strategy below lays out exactly how you can induce spot reduction.

STEP #1: Create Strategic Blood Flow
STEP #2: Break Apart Stubborn Fat
STEP #3: “Burns off” Your Trouble Spots

Let’s briefly cover how each step works so you can put this to work on your problem areas:
STEP #1: “Heat Up” Your Trouble Spots (create strategic blood flow)
"Stubborn" fat is MUCH different than normal fat. It LACKS blood flow. All you have to do is physically touch your worst "problem" areas and you'll probably notice that it's most likely ICE cold.
But science tells us that if you increase blood flow you can extract and burn more fat from your problem areas.
So by contracting muscles that are right next to your most stubborn fat, you instantly create blood flow to your hard-to-get-rid-of areas, which allows you to induce "spot reduction".

STEP #2: Naturally Release Fat Burning Hormones (“break apart” stubborn fat)
In order to burn fat directly from your problem areas, after you’ve created strategic blood flow, you need hormones. Otherwise your fat cells won’t be released properly and they’ll continue to stay “trapped” inside your body.
Enter: Catecholamines
When you perform a very hard, short burst of exercise (sprinting, jumping, cycling, bodyweight exercises, even your favorite cardio machine) similar to intervals, but shorter in duration, (only 10 to 30 seconds max) and harder in effort…your body will release unique fat burning hormones, called Catecholamines.
These “fight or flight” hormones are scientifically proven to release Growth Hormone and break apart stubborn pockets of body fat in the areas where you have created blood flow.
Spot Reduction Solution Protocol:
One of the easiest ways to create the “effect” laid out above is to alternate back and forth between high intensity exercise bursts and exercises that are closest to your trouble spots.

For example:Supersetting back and forth between sprints and ab exercises can potentially help you target more belly fat. 

This sets you up for the perfect storm inside your body to start “burning off” this stubborn fat.

CAUTION: All the effort and focus put into this scientifically proven approach could backfire on you and be a TOTAL waste of time if you don’t stop your body from restoring these newly released fat cells…
…. Which is exactly what we do with the very last step.
The Free Fatty Acid Finisher

STEP #3: STOP Your Body FromRestoring Fat (avoid re-esterification)
Immediately after you finish the Spot Reduction Solution Protocol, free fatty acids will literally pour or "dump" into your bloodstream.
This is where you can incorporate a sneaky strategy to burn them off, which can mean MORE fat loss.
But if you’re not careful, research shows these fatty acids float around and can literally move from your upper body to your lower body (or some other trouble spot) and just be RESTORED as body fat again.
Weird and wacky – I know, but the human body is designed to be a survivor.
So your body will do whatever necessary to protect itself by HOLDING ON to the stubborn fat you just worked so hard to release.
This is a process called re-esterification and in order to avoid it following the second part of the Spot Reduction Solution on the next page is crucial so you can STOP your body from re-gaining the weight back.
Make no mistake about it. 99.9% of exercisers who don’t have access to this information will hit adaptation (i.e. a weight loss plateau) and NEVER be able to induce science based spot reduction.
But all you have to do is perform the Free Fatty Acid Finisher found inside the 7 Day Spot Reduction Solution on the very next page to prevent re-esterfication and “finish” off your most stubborn fat:

Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Spot Reduction Solution

For years and years now, people across the globe have spent millions, if not billions of dollars investing in controversial -- and potentially dangerous experiments like creams, pills, or plastic surgery, all in hopes of toning and sculpting their "trouble" spots.


Because when you "look" better, you feel better, you have more energy, you increase your self esteem and you automatically improve every other area of your life.

It’s like hitting the bull’s eye of your body and life.But it’s not easy.

It requires consistency and effort. And usually it’s pretty simple to lose the first few pounds. But if you want to burn stubborn fat, it gets tricky and requires more of a scientific strategy.

That’s because your body is smart. Like SUPER smart.

So it can adapt very quickly, and it will fight with all its might to “hold on” to stubborn fat, ESPECIALLY in your nagging trouble spots, like lower belly and abdominal fat, hip and butt fat, and even the back of your arms.

But the latest research and scientific studies now prove that it’s possible to target body fat in your WORST trouble spots.

At the link below you’ll discover a brand new, science based 3-step protocol that will show you exactly how to induce spot reduction:

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

Fastest Fat Loss Week EVER

It’s the New Year, so you probably want to shed your unwanted holiday pounds as fast as possible.

But did you know that your current diet may be holding you back and stopping your body from achieving your FASTEST fat loss?

Fact of the matter is this: there's probably certain things built in to the very diet and exercise program that you are doing rightnow, things that you don't even realize are stopping you from achieving the most rapid results.

That’s because "crash" diets and other severe diets fail to take in to account ANY knowledge of the body and the regulation of human bodyweight and metabolism.

This brand new article from my colleagues and friends, Shaun Hadsall and Dan Long shows how to AVIOD this fast fat loss “Catch 22”, while experiencing your FASTEST fat loss week ever:

Other Related Article:
5 principles to your FASTEST fat loss week EVER [article]
How to have your FASTEST fat loss week EVER (new article)